Monday, April 02, 2007

Your Regularly Scheduled Post

1. Kate & Kayla took me to Maple View Farms yesterday afternoon for icecream.
Tina's family owns it and I've been buying the milk in glass bottles for years but I had NEVER actually been out to the country store before.

.The view from my rocking chair on the front porch was BEAUTIFUL.

.My flavor: Cookie Dough Mint Twist (in a waffle cone made right before my eyes)

2. I'm starting my first night of hip hop classes at a popular dance studio. I took 11 years of dance and now decided to return to what I love. This will be the first 100% hip hop class I've ever taken. I keep thinking, "I'm too old for dance" but now I realize that I'm only getting older and 26 is definitely not ancient!

3. That's also the number of times I went to Bean Trader's this weekend. I need to cut back from those triple shot, sugar-free vanilla, skim lattes. (Yeah, Jennifer, I'm one of THOSE people and I still get tongue-tied over the sugarless part of the order.)

4. I canceled my subscription to Netflix last night. This is becoming a pattern that I drop it in the spring. I think with the warmer weather I become newly motivated to read, clean, run, and frolic so the movies in my mailbox just become a tool to suck me into the black hole of entertainment.

5. That is how many nights last week I ate my dinner on the patio of some restaurant. Mt. Fuji, Nantucket (twice), & Foster's Market (twice).
I went to Whole Foods last night with the good intentions to buy groceries to cook and came home with prepared salads and lillies, instead.

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