Monday, April 16, 2007

"You need more funk and less Shirley Temple"

1. John Michael came for a surprise visit on Sunday 2. Went to the African Children's Choir Concert at the church Saturday night with my parents, grandmother, great aunt, and Alisha 3. Met Ceeece for lunch at Yancy's 4. Had dinner with Margarette & Mandy at NANTUCKET on Friday 5. Went to Foster's Market this morning for breakfast 6. Watched The Guardian with John, Charleigh, and Sarah in the movie theater downstairs Sunday night 7. Mom was craving NANTUCKET so I had dinner Saturday night there with the family 8. I was thrilled to discover a piano studio just opened downstairs so I can practice here instead of driving all the way to UNC 9. Sunday lunch at Maggiano's with the family 10. Kim & Amy's Birthday dinner Sunday night at Biaggi's where I only had coffee since I was so sick of eating 11. Hip Hop gets easier and harder with every class 12. Hung out at Champp's after the concert. 13. FINALLY cleaned my house and I can see the floor in my dining room 14. I watch 24 with Ceeece, Sarah & Jason every Monday night 15. Bought a great dress at the Saturday White House/Black Market sale and another at Bannana 16. Fell in love with Trader Joe's tonight 17. Got a letter in the mail from someone I adore 18. Got four phone calls regarding the Duke Lacrosse players on Friday 19. My Great Aunt Ruthie toured the chicken plant 20. Jason told me many Gamecock alumni think Steve Spurrier spit in their eye when he told the world that they shouldn't fly the Confederate flag over the SC capital


kristen said...

I love TJs!

Wish there was one in the 'ham.

We did just get our first Whole Foods and Apple store this spring so... baby steps.

sarahanne said...

I love the quote in the title - who is it from?

Kristinmichelle said...

Hilariously, my hip hop instructor.