Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"I understand a fury in your words
But not your words."
William Shakespeare, Othello Act 4, Scene 2

I have always thought this about Chinese while watching Joy Luck Club for the umptenth time.

(Of course, Shakespeare's brilliance in these two lines is based on the fact that he is talking to someone whose language and emotion he understands, just not their reasoning. Sigh. Let me just take a moment to put my hand over my heart in silent thanks for W.S.)

I am signing up for fall classes at a Chinese Language School!

It is a three year program that I'll be joining. I've been interested in China for years. (Well documented since I was 15.) Of course, having a heart for the nations, there are more than a few other countries that have my equal intrest. I was that kid who grabbed the latest copy of National Geographic out of the mailbox to read and then drempt for hours of far off places.

I just thought that Chinese is the hardest out of all the other languages I would want to know so it is better to do it when I live in a place that I would get a lot of opportunity to practice with native speakers. Especially since the church will be starting a Mandarin service in the future!
It isn't even that I currently have a burning desire or even a strong interest in ever living in China. I don't know that much about it, really. You just never know what life will throw at you and I'd like to learn the language. I guess I'm realizing it is possible to be prepared for life instead of surprise by it. I really want to take some of the free time I have now and invest into myself.


Unknown said...

Very cool! I was about to ask, "Mandarin or Cantonese?" I'd LOVE to visit, Asia. I wonder what Denton Jones is up to now...

Kristinmichelle said...

Mandarin. Matt can give you the Denton update.