Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I haven't been posting the fun stuff...

Took a weekend trip to Charleston a few weeks ago. We ate at one of the newest restaurants of my favorite culinary genius where my pastor from Seacoast just happened to be having lunch with his family. Nice surprise for a 48 hour trip.

As soon as I got into town, I changed clothes at the Charleston Place Hotel and met Danielle & Daniel for dinner at Chai's on King Street. I ended up paying the local street guy ten bucks to watch my car...weird story.


Kim was in the market with her awesome African jewelry and other gifts so it was cool to see what she has been working so hard on over the past couple months.

Amy makes fun of the face I make when looking in the mirror so she took a picture of the new sunglasses I scored from the booth beside Kim's. Of course, I'm laughing so it isn't the true look.

I met Kim, Ginny, & Amy at a new restaurant, Mercado, for some LATE night coffee. I can't keep my eyes open for most of the pictures we took that night. The good pictures of me made Amy look crazy so she deleted them! That is why you bring your own camera!

Amy, Danielle and I spent the next afternoon shopping on King Street (I so enjoy those 70% Off shoe sales).

Things I didn't do while I was there: Eat at the Mustard Seed. Go to the beach. Visit Towne Center. See the Battery...Wow, there were a lot of my favorite things I missed.

However, I'm going back in two weeks for work so I'll fit it in. I did walk past Sandra's aunt's store on King Street but it was late and already closed for the evening!

Do you know which house this picture came from? The true test...


Unknown said...

I believe Jess just bought high school musical if you need to watch it soon.

Unknown said...

Hmm...I don't remember that house but there were some purty ones down there.

Sandra Dena said...

KT I thought about you last night when Gilmore girls was on! Charleigh...I'm meeting people through your blog. I met Jessica at church...I said,"Hey you don't know me, but I've read so much about you through your blog!" She said, "Oh yeah, Sandra, I know you, Happy Birthday!"

Aaa, this crazy age of Internet!

Sandra Dena said...

I'll guess....on the house...this is the "widower" house...the house that the guy built for his fiance and then she died

Unknown said...
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