Thursday, August 09, 2007

As Jennifer Would Say, "What's the Point?"

Tonight was my first time at the youth group's girls' discipleship group. .

I'm SO excited to start hanging out with the girls from church while Lydia Ruth starts another group at the LifeCenter. .

Among the many things I learned during my time at Starbucks with these awesome teens, what seems to be standing out the most at the minute, while the sunlight begins to permeate the sky, is that I should seriously consider switching to decaf. I just don't remain untouched by the caffeine anymore! .

So now, I drink a sugar-free vanilla, nonfat milk, decaffeinated latte. That's a lot of fluff in one coffee cup. I may have to switch back to straight up cappuccino just to save face with Jen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cool (about the girl's descipleship group.)