Sunday, January 21, 2007

UNC-77, Georgia Tech-61

1. My New Year's Resolutions are at war: Loose weight and stop spending money. I now need new pants and it is past the point of ignoring. Good news. Bad news.

2. Nicole, Ceeece, Jason, & I tried turkey mignon this Saturday. Now I can sell it with confidence! Kimberly showed up just in time for the second half of the game.

3. My current favorite food, Cuties! SO SWEET!

4. INNAMORATO, my NEWEST project. Our take on American Idol. I'm so excited to plan this one!

5. Headed to Rose Hill, NC for a few days of corporate meetings. I had to travel somewhere glamorous with Stacey skiing in Colorado & Matt in Maui.

6. Senator Brownback announced his run for president. A spirit-filled, speaking in tounges candidate! I'm still reading up on his platform.


Sandra Dena said...

I'm innamorato! Hey what about Jim and I!

erin said...

for #1 - choose which is more important, and find the sales. they're great right now.

:o) you're awesome.

call me?

sarahanne said...

Innamorato is BRILLIANT!!!! Can I crash that party? Are you trying to get people to submit ridiculous videos? A little William Hung influence, perhaps?

Kristinmichelle said...

We are TOTALLY getting people to submit ridiculous & hilarious.

I can't take credit for the idea...Steve Hollander all the way. They just are letting me develop it!

Get this: They are asking ALL the speakers at the conference to submit crazy videos. How fun is that!

Erin, you are totally right! And, the Lord does show his love for me by directing me to the GREAAAT sales!!

Sarah, you can crash the party if you volunteer at the party! ;)

Sandra, you and Jim are OBVIOUSLY my first priority. This is just something quick and fleeting to kill time between now and my trip to Charleston for your Whistle Stop Campaign to raise support at the Food + Wine Festival. (When I said I had to read up on Brownback's platform I meant it like this, "WOW! A spirit-filled Christian. That could be tough to beat. I better read up so we can crush him!!"