Thursday, January 04, 2007

No. 2 Tarheels Overpower the Quakers, 102-64

What's this?? The Dean Dome Fans are in a frenzy and jumping to their feet. There is cheering and yelling as #15 Dewy Burke runs onto the court.


The score is 88 - 64 in Carolina's favor with less than two minutes on the clock. What is it that made this wine and cheese crowd (who is generally famous for their lack of desire to rise from their seats much less cheer) suddenly leap to their feet with screams of encouragement and even desperation when a guy who averages 5 or 6 points a game runs onto the court. "Come on, Dewy! DO IT for us!!" He hits a three pointer and the crowd goes even nuttier. The pep band strikes up the fight song but what is it the crowd is chanting instead of the traditional "Let's Go Tar-Heels"?


clap. clap. clapclapclap.


clap. clap. clapclapclap

Oh yes, the ENTIRE DEAN DOME, this legendary hallowed hall of basketball history, is on it's feet singing praises to Bojangles because if the Tarheels hit 100pts. in a home game you can bring in your ticket stub and get a free biscuit.

Dewy and his compatriots pulled through and delivered 12 more points and, friends, you would have thought that the National Championship was on the line the way the crowd cheered and, more importantly, the way the bench team played. It truly was some of the most exciting minutes in basketball. When our boys hit 100 with two seconds left in the game, it was a celebration and all the big screens were flashing that fabulous red and yellow.


Kristinmichelle said...

Personally, I question the whole "Bojangles Biscuit Craze" in the Dean Dome.

When we were in school, people went insane over "UNC is in Bed With Nike". Do you remember the protest where they put a queen-size bed on the steps of South Building?? I think that was my freshman year.

There was NEVER a time that the entire Dean Dome was screaming, "NIKE! NIKE!" and they paid us a WHOLE lot more.

Of course, Bojangles doesn't have a reputation that includes sweat shops, either.

Unknown said...

Just sweat kitchens? :) Kidding. I don't see how people can work around Bojangles chicken and biscuits all day. It'd be torment!

Kristinmichelle said...

I'll bet they get tired of the food. I remember us asking that same question of someone working at Krispy Kreme and they said they would probably never eat another glazed doughnut for the rest of their life!