Wednesday, September 19, 2007

There's so much more...not to mention that you need a violin playing goat

It is funny how much your perspective can change on something in just a year or two.
I guess as I look at the people around me and live their lives with them, I've started to realize how serious a lifetime commitment really is.
I like hearts and flowers. Facing your flaws and really being able to look in the mirror and be honest about the imperfections...
completely off my list of fun things to do.

There is one couple, in particular, who have really encouraged me to step away from what I'm good at and spend concentrated time facing up and having the courage to look at the flawed areas I generally chose to ignore. I honestly didn't have much of a choice. It hurts but I think that it was the grace of God that I wasn't allowed to rest in false confidence forever.

By the way, I found Hugh Grant and Julia Robert's blue door in Notting Hill while visiting London this summer. The owners have cashed in on the movie, naming their gift shop "The Blue Door".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh wow.. That's good admonishment, about not putting your confidence in shallow things.