Friday, September 14, 2007

I ran into my sister and her friend at the mall and then we bumped into Kim J. about ten minutes later who was headed to meet Julie. As we were talking, this guy who thought he was a player walked right up to our group and said, "Hey, ladies" and just stood there expectantly with no intention of walking away. Okay, if he were 25, this wouldn't be worth mentioning but he looked no older than 13.

What was funny is that Kim and I kept talking (after I looked at him and said, "Bye") but I hear Alisha (who still isn't believing this kid is hitting on any of us) say, "Do you know one of us?"

"No, but you sure are looking fine."

The lights went on for Alisha and she shooed him away. Then, he proceeded to stand 15 feet away with his fellow pre-teen friend and stare. The next thing I know, Alisha has closed the distance in between them and is asking this kid how old he is and giving him a mini-scolding about how we are older and he should not be talking to us that way.

It didn't seem to go incredibly well but I still really admired her effort!


Unknown said...

What??? I laughed... :) I just... don't.. know.

He must've been watching The Age of Love.

Ceeece! said...

So, that sort of pickup thing doesn't work! Too funny.