Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Friends

I've realized something. I absolutely adore my friends.

Yesterday was high energy socializing due to Edwin Fest 2007 (Eddie's birthday) which took place at the Southpoint Mall Food Court. Pure genius when you realize that you can get over 30 people in and out, give them all the choices they could need for food, and then not have to spend an hour waiting for the checks to be settled out. I made the cake AND it must be pointed out that Eddie got his birthday dinner from Five Guys Burgers & Fries. Jim, your blog inspires us to greatness. You put them on the map!
After that, was the prophetic service at church which brought the crowds and I headed home to do laundry and pack for my trip but there was "the family" who went to Randy's Pizza and then the Wednesday night dinner party at Jeff's to miss. I had to laugh when I got the message from Cole where they passed the phone around to everyone at the house to say hello. Luckily, I'd already had an EARLY breakfast with Patricia that morning.
It is the little things that matter. Seeing Sandra (FINALLY), playing with Aidan, having Kim and Jaimie as my champions, Lance making an appearance, watching Matt butcher my cake, getting to set up more hip hop fun with Lu and Britt, catching up with the old Highgate crowd, Ceeece & Jason just being Ceeece & Jason, getting to be around the old college friends like Jess, Jonesy, Adina, John, Char & Nicole and all the other fabulous friends collected on along the way since. (Sarah, have fun in California!)
Then, I think about everyone I love who wasn't there and it makes me so thankful. I've really spent a lot more time praising the Lord in all things. Some days, that can seem really hard. Especially in the past week. However, once you get started it becomes humbling and amazing to start remembering that the blessings far outweigh the turmoil. And when I say it can be hard to praise, one day I just started with thanking the Lord for my apartment and the things inside of it. I was very upset, knew this was one of those "praise Him in all circumstances" but I needed to work with what I could see at that point and praise God for the obvious things that were right in front of me. You know those days, where nothing seems that glorious.
What was wonderful is that as my eyes traveled across all of those books on my bookshelf, I started remembering the people who gifted them (or swore that it was the best thing ever written and would change my life...some have). I thought about the conversations, the locations and the time of my life some of them were read. It is funny how we sometimes have such little energy to give to the Lord yet when we bring him what we have He multiplies it and gives it back to us as a way to minister to our hurting souls. I love books so there was a lifetime of love, memories, benchmarks, and people looking back at me from those shelves. The faith of a mustard seed was all it took for the Lord to send his comforting peace.


Unknown said...

Good stuff, and not just because I'm featured, either.

Jim said...

I'm honored to be so closely associated with Five Guys!