Thursday, December 21, 2006

Family Treasures

Alisha began pulling out family photo albums when we were last in Florida. We found such fabulous photographs that she and I ended up at Walgreens the next morning scanning pictures.

Here is my favorite:

Isn't wonderful that my grandfather's baptism was recorded? I just feel like it is one of those really special moments to have of his life. He is the guy on the far left.

{My dad's parents called each other "Honey" all the time. They NEVER used each other's names even when talking to other people. The town just had to know who my grandparents were talking about when one of them said, "Honey told me to give you a call." I always thought it was cute but my mom grew up hearing her mother talk about the crazy couple who called each other "honey".

Imagine my mom's surprise when she went home to meet my dad's parents after their first date and realized who she was with!(Yep, home to meet the parents on DAY ONE)}

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