Friday, August 03, 2007

Some Things I'd Like to Do in Durham This Summer

Visit and Taste Loco Pops

Eat Outside by the River at the American Tobacco Campus for an NPR Backporch Music Series Concert

Go Wafting on the Eno with Wiva Dave

Visit the Scrap Exchange.

Go to the Farmer's Market

Picnic at Duke Gardens

American Tobacco 2007 Duck Race

Free Yoga in the Park on Saturdays sponsored by Scrap Exchange



Unknown said...

Haha... "Loco Pops"

reba said...

not sure if you are an oprah fan, but she (and gail) highlighted raleigh's farmer's market as an excellent place to meet men.

supposedly, raleigh is the number one place in the nation for singles.

Kristinmichelle said...

The only men I've ever noticed that I meet at the Raleigh Farmers' Market are the old ones selling produce.

I still maintain that the Cameron Village Harris Teeter is the best place in Raleigh to meet people. Jenny totally never believed me until I took her in there one night and some guy was following her around the baking aisle.

I should write Oprah and let her know what's up. The Independent actually does their "best of the Triangle" Readers' Awards every year and that HT made it into the top five the year J & I lived down there!!

Of course, I can't say I ever felt comfortable giving someone my number at the grocery store... :D My co-worker, however, swears he has gotten some really good dates out of it!

Sandra Dena said...

Omigosh....Wiva Dave is awesome!!!

Sign me up....the 3:30 saturday trips are good....!! Every saturday except August 18th!

Kristinmichelle said...

That is GREAT, Sandra! So far, it is you, Reba and I!