Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Last Week in My Old Home

You have to love Charleston! It just gets into your blood. I wasn't good about taking pictures when hanging out with friends but I did bring my camera one morning when I ran along the Harbor and the Battery.
The self portraits I took of myself will not be featured here. What was I thinking?

During the last two hours of the foodshow, things can get really slow.

You start posing with chickens!

Here is the BBQ Chicken I stayed up late making the night before as one of my displays.


Sandra Dena said...

Yeah, I was mumbling to myself when I left you that phone message. I was calling to see what you had planned and perhaps talk you into going to get some pizza.

I realized that you're in Charleston after reading your blog!

Kristinmichelle said...

I'm actually back from Charleston and will be around this week!