Monday, October 08, 2007

We Won! Goodbye Miami.


Sandra Dena said...

I am continuously amazed at how you and Bethany H can make a horrible shade of blue look so pretty! We ended up napping and taking an impromtu trip to the $1.50 did the report go?

Unknown said...

Good times. I'm yet to attend a Carolina football game.

sarahanne said...

You and me both, Eddie. And we've spent more years on the UNC campus than any of these Tar Heel kids!
On Saturday I was actually chided when it came out that I don't own any Carolina gear (t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc.). Honestly, I feel like I'd have to be a student to sport that kind of stuff. Like it's not fair to my alma mater. Then again, I'd wear Stanford, UCLA, U. of Oregon, or (gasp!) Duke gear out of family loyalty/pride.

Kristinmichelle said...

Haha. We're not beggars.

If you don't love Carolina Blue, you don't have to force it!!

Sandra, I'm glad you all had a good time!